Cutting a building in half? Does that even make sense to get it in between trees or poles or under wires? That is a really good question. An old house mover once told me “ You have to really like a house to cut it.” That is not always the case, but it’s still is READ MORE
Egress window in a basement wall.

Egress windows in my new or existing basement? The question comes up more often these days. With the advent of the internet, social media, and specifically Pinterest homeowners are showing their creative ideas and challenging each other to come up with better and better ever more beautiful and functional designs. The Bilco company has been READ MORE
underpinning a house

Underpinning a house? What is that? Well, that is actually a good question. Underpinning a house is usually a term used by masonry contractors or basement repair contractors referring to holding a house and replacing the basement walls. The contractor will usually install post to hold the weight of one or perhaps two walls at READ MORE
historic restoration

This is an old granary we just restored. It was one of many historic restoration jobs that we have done over the years. They often involve replacing of repairing the foundation. A building is only as good as it’s foundation. The sill or part of the structure that sits directly on the foundation is often in need of replacement or READ MORE
Adding a basement to an existing house.

A customer’s story of adding a basement to an existing house. Let’s call them the Smith family, just some folks who need additional space at their house. They looked at their options. At first, they were not considering adding a basement to an existing house. A lot of people add on they thought. In fact, some of READ MORE
Build a new basement under a slab house
Can you build a new basement under a slab house? That is a question homeowners ask often. As with most all of our projects, the answer is the most definite yes! It is not as easy and inexpensive as under a regular platform framed house but it can and is done. It all comes down to if you have a need READ MORE
Raising a house due to flooding

Sadly, sometimes there is a need for raising a house due to flooding. It may be your reality right now. It is a tough position to be in but there is a way forward. Don’t think of it as the end but as a new beginning. There are a number of reasons why your house READ MORE
Basement entrance is a nice upgrade to your home.
A basement entrance can really change the use of your basement in a big way. You might refer to them as outside steps, a cellar entrance, or a Bilco entrance. Whatever the name a covered Bilco Perma Entrance will give you an all-weather outside cover, a set of precast concrete steps, and lastly a lockable inside insulated steel entrance READ MORE
Moving my house to another lot, is that possible?
We get calls about moving my house to another lot quite often. Even more common is the one where a couple finds out about a free or really cheap older home in or near the downtown of one of our local OH cities. The hope with these calls is that for an economical price they can READ MORE
Why would I build a new basement under my existing house?

That is a good question! There are a lot of things to consider when thinking about a new basement. First, do you like your house? In other words, can you see yourself living here long term? Do you like the neighborhood? Are you satisfied with the school district? Is it built in the way you wish READ MORE